Events and Workshops for your Delight

There is something special and powerful that happens when men gather.

When we come together with an intention for depth and presence,

With the permission to share and show ourselves,

With the invitation to hold each other in our vulnerability and truth.

When we spend time together with nothing to compete over, nothing to prove - There is a medicine that is uncovered and becomes accessible, a sharpening, wisdom, an invitation back into our masculine core.

It's a type of nourishment so deep and so rich that I have never found anywhere else or in any other circumstances.

The sad thing is that Most men today don't even know that that nourishment exists, nor that there is a longing for it at their core - the longing for brotherhood amongst other men.

What most men today experience is alienation and isolation.

We live in a society where men are mostly dispersed, separated, disconnected, and mistrusting of other men and we need to change that.

A society where the men are not unified - is a weak society.

That's where the problems start, that's where the toxicity, violence, abuse, and childish behaviors sprout from.

We live in a society that condemns its masculinity with one hand, yet perpetuates the wounding with the other. Leaving most men confused, and uncertain as to how to show up.

The lines between what is expected, what is desired, and what is acceptable have become blurry. So men are left wanting, while their lives slowly become more and more burdensome.

In a time of great change, as the old paradigm crumbles, our families, communities, and society as a whole, yearn for heart-led, ball-connected, embodied men. Men that can both lean into their vulnerability, and have the strength, courage, and integrity to stand up for what is right and what they believe in.

Now Imagine a society/community where the men come together, initiate each other, share wisdom, challenge each other, teach and learn from each other, call each other back to integrity, and call each other to rise into the best version of themselves.

I stand with the strong belief that many of the problems we face today as a species would find a natural answer.

The truth is that men need to be with other men, men need to be invited into their power by other men, and men need to learn what it means to be a man and what kind of a man they truly are - amongst other men.

Somehow in this day and age - this became a controversial thing to say.

I'm saying it anyway.